Vitamin C is Good for Almost Everything

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in many functions within the body. There are some best practices to consider when taking vitamin C, and some types of vitamin C you should avoid. Read on to get the inside scoop on the best forms of vitamin …

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Metabolic Super Fruit Drink Mix Boosts Energy and Supports an Active Lifestyle

Developed as an aid to weight management, this formula exceeds expectations. Many of us enjoy a hot morning beverage to stimulate the mind and energize the body. Coffee and tea are the drinks of choice for most of us. They provide a healthy source of multiple active compounds to support healthy living. Wouldn’t it be …

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Advanced Multi-Vitamin Formula

Protect Multi Formula 120 Capsules

Are you looking for an advanced multi-vitamin formula to assure your body gets what it needs to support a vibrant and healthy life? Why rely on store brands that are slow to adopt emerging science? Protect yourself today and protect your health tomorrow with Protect Multi. Protect Multi™ provides protection against nutritional deficiencies and is …

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Enhanced Curcumin

Curcumin Enhanced Turmeric Formula

Research on curcumin suggests many health promoting benefits, but also shows poor dietary absorption. Curcumin Enhanced Turmeric™ boosts the bioavailability of curcumin by adding the other natural compounds found in turmeric. In addition to curcumin, turmeric root contains many additional bio-active compounds including including turmerin, turmerone, elemene, furanodiene, curdione, bisacurone, cyclocurcumin, calebin A, and germacrone. …

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Introducing Carbo Defense

Carbohydrate Metabolism

Carbo Defense™ contains nutrients to help reduce the negative effects of dietary carbohydrates. By slowing carbohydrate absorption and supporting insulin function, you should expect a reduction in appetite, better weight management, and increased longevity. Traditional dietary carbohydrates are slowly broken down into simple sugars resulting in an increase in blood glucose. This increase in glucose …

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Chelation Products

Blood flowing

I am proud to offer two advanced chelation products to protect against the common environmental toxins of modern day living. Designed to be taken between meals, Protect EDTA reduces heavy metals stored throughout the body. Heavy metals interfere with many biochemical reactions. Reducing these contaminants can support the normal structure and function of the cardiovascular system. …

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Supplemental Magnesium Important for Healthy Living

Purified Water Lacks Magnesium

The benefits of supplemental magnesium continue to gain support based on data from prominent researchers and major universities. Magnesium should be an abundant mineral in the human body, but dietary intake has decreased leading to widespread deficiencies. Packaged foods and drinks, including bottled water, have greatly reduced magnesium content. As magnesium is critical for many …

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Vitamin E Background Information

Vitamin E8

The science supporting the use of typical Vitamin E is based on research that dates back some 70 years. In 1944 the test for International Unit (IU) of vitamin E potency was established and it remains unchanged today. Despite advancement in modern scientific technologies, most dietary supplement manufacturers fail to act on current research. Even more …

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Introducing VitaE8

Vitae8 product photo 8 3 2013

VitaE8 is based on exciting new science surrounding the eight forms of the vitamin E molecule Mother Nature has provided us. The science on vitamin E has been increasing since its first therapeutic use in 1938. Over the last 10 years, it has become evident that taking vitamin E supplements without all eight vitamin E …

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