Introducing Carbo Defense

Carbohydrate Metabolism

Carbo Defense™ contains nutrients to help reduce the negative effects of dietary carbohydrates. By slowing carbohydrate absorption and supporting insulin function, you should expect a reduction in appetite, better weight management, and increased longevity.

Traditional dietary carbohydrates are slowly broken down into simple sugars resulting in an increase in blood glucose. This increase in glucose triggers an insulin release signaling cells to take in glucose for energy production. Glucose not needed for cellular energy production can be converted to lipids and stored as body fat. The stored body fat can be used for cellular energy production if carbohydrates are lacking in the diet for an extended period.

Highly processed carbohydrates trigger the same response, only much faster. Apparently, too fast for the body to respond efficiently. The rapid increase in glucose causes an extreme release of insulin and excessive cellular uptake. As only so much energy is required, the excess glucose gets converted to lipids and stored in body fat. In addition to the long-term problem of weight gain, the cellular metabolism can become resistant to the effects of insulin. Cellular insulin resistance results in reduced energy production and high circulating glucose. Excessive blood glucose increases advanced glycation end-products (AGE’s). In short, AGE’s are damaged proteins and lipids resulting from too much glucose.

Several unhealthy things happen with processed carbohydrate consumption. First, the pancreas is over worked to produce and release excessive amounts of insulin. Second, the short-term high blood glucose level produces AGE’s and damage to the vascular system. Third, the insulin triggers the cells to take in more glucose than they require. Forth, the excess glucose is converted to stored body fat. And finally, the over production of insulin can result in low blood sugar resulting in hunger.Carbo Defense

Guess what you will be hungry for?

Yes, more carbohydrates!

The human body is amazing and can handle a lot of this. However, over time either the pancreas may slow down or the cells may become resistant to insulin. With cellular insulin resistance, energy production suffers and blood sugar levels rise. The damage from excess blood sugar continues and escalates.

Carbo Defense™ is formulated with advanced nutrients to help reduce the negative effects of dietary carbohydrates. By slowing carbohydrate absorption and supporting insulin function, you should expect a reduction in appetite, better weight management, and increased longevity.

Carbo Defense™ is an easy to swallow capsule that is taken with each meal or snack. The natural herbs and minerals will help guide you to better food choices with fewer cravings for sugary foods.

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